Wes Astro at AAS 243 in NOLA : January 7-11, 2024

There was an amazing turnout of Wesleyan folks, past and present, at the 243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in New Orleans. Here is just a partial list of contributors and attendees that were present. Apologies to those I missed! Please add additional names and pics below.
Current Staff and Students: Roy Kilgard, Seth Redfield, Sarah Wellons, Azmain Nisak, Rewa Bush, Kyle McGregor, Qiushi (Chris) Tian, Owen Gonzales, Jamar Kittling, Josh Grajales, and Uday Narayanan.
Alumni: Alaina Einsig, Katie Bennett, Molly Watstein, Ismael Mirales, Katharine Hesse, Amy Steele, Mark Popinchalk, Phil Choi, Girish Duwuri, Trevor Dorn-Wallenstein, Samuel Factor, Janice Lee, and Cassie Fallscheer.